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About The Dark Knight

Nama saya Noer Ramadhan, tetapi anda semua bisa memanggil saya Adan...Saya hanyalah seseorang yang biasa-biasa saja dan bukanlah orang yang pintar, tetapi saya ingin berusaha dan mencoba mempelajari serta mengembangkan sesuatu yang menarik bagi saya...Well,,saya rasa itu saja sekilas tentang saya...So, Thanks's for your visit...

February 19, 2011

Play NDS on PC

This time i will share to you how to play NDS game on your PC...
first,,,you should download this emulator by link below:

then,,,you should extract all file and folder into your PC, (put them into your desktop will make you easier to find it),,then, you will see 4 folders which it ROMs, state, battery, and cheat...
after that,,,you can put your DS rom into the ROMs folder, and if you don't have the rom, you can download it by using this site:

And now,,all you have to do is run the emulator by clicking desemu.exe file,,then choose the game inside the ROMs folder and here we goes,,,the NDS game is ready to play........